How Agile is Agile? Benefits of the Agile Methodology
Technology always moves fast. This is why companies need to keep up with the demands and changes that go along with it. Enter the Agile methodology.
Desktop Application Programming Languages
Even with the advent of mobile devices gaining more traction, there are still a majority of users that prefer desktop and laptop computers. This is mostly because they are used in their line of work.
Best Practices for Flexisourcing Manual Testing
Software quality assurance is something that is often taken for granted in the fast-paced development today. Every software developer wants to finish and publish their projects as fast as possible so that they would get better return of investment.
How Outsourcing Can Help Scale Startups
Startups can be hard to pull off, but they hold infinite potential for offering innovative ways in helping their customers. There has been a lot of startups that appeared in the previous decade or so thanks to technology and other tools such as outsourcing.
Why Outsourcing and Staff Augmentation in the Philippines is Better
Staff augmentation in the Philippines has become wildly popular for both business owners and young professionals who want a lucrative career.
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