Information Technology

Top 10 Front-End Web Development Tools in 2022

Top 10 Front-End Web Development Tools in 2022

Websites have become a necessity for organizations with the rise of digitalization. According to Statista, in 2018, 86% of small businesses in Australia had their website. And together with this increased demand, companies have become more selective with their...

Is Outsourcing Technical Support Right for Your Business?

Is Outsourcing Technical Support Right for Your Business?

As a business owner, it is part of your responsibilities to value your customer and their needs, including customer service, product inquiries, and technical support. These jobs, however, are very time-consuming and can be arduous to employees. Here is where...

Top 10 Manual Testing Tools You Should be Using in 2022

Top 10 Manual Testing Tools You Should be Using in 2022

Once a software or component of a product is developed, it needs to be scrutinized, inspected, and evaluated for potential errors and bugs before it is released to the market. In a study on software fails conducted by Tricentis in 2017, software failures cost the US...


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