The prolonged closures of schools in the Philippines due to the COVID-19 virus have alarmed many parents and educators. Many feared that this could negatively affect Filipino children’s literacy rate and the country’s future. 

School Supplies for Students in Need

But with the cases of COVID-19 continued to decrease, the government jumped and took this opportunity to reopen classrooms to face-to-face education. And while many are ecstatic about this decision, many were not prepared.

Households are forced to deal with the sudden shift from distance learning to face-to-face education. Students and parents are overwhelmed by their first day back to school. Most are not prepared financially for this new setup. Some have inadequate resources to buy school supplies, learning materials, and food. 

As part of Flexisource IT’s corporate initiatives is giving back to its community. Our team of experts visited a community in Tawid Ilog Rizal last 17 September 2022. We provided various school supplies to 30 children, including backpacks, pencils, notebooks, etc. were distributed. Aside from that, our team also led a feeding program. 

Pamela is a full-time content writer and a lifelong Philomath. Her previous experience as a research analyst made her passionate about traveling the world and understanding how it works. During her day off, you can often find her indoors, writing stories or oil painting.

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